Educational Qualifications
Students applying to ACTS are expected to be high school graduates with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Any applicant that does not meet this minimum requirement may be accepted on academic probation. All prospective students must know the English language. The Academic Dean may, at his discretion, require a proficiency exam in English as part of the requirements for admission.
Physical Qualifications
Applicants must be in good physical and mental health. A medical examination may be recommended.
Financial Qualifications
Students are to complete financial arrangements and make their payment to the registrar.
Non-Discrimination Policy
ACTS welcomes qualified applicants regardless of gender, race, color, age, handicap, and national or ethnic origin, who are personally committed to faith in Jesus Christ.
Applicants will provide the following materials upon application:
Applicants who intend to take ACTS classes must complete an application form, including a recent photograph.
A one-time, non-refundable application fee is required.
Official transcripts must be requested by applicant and sent directly from appropriate high school and/or college to the ACTS office. Transcripts must be presented from any and all colleges whether or not credit was earned.
The applicant’s pastor should complete this form and send it directly to the ACTS office. The pastor must be someone not related to applicant who has known the applicant for a minimum of six months.
The applicant must read and sign the Lifestyle Statement. ACTS encourages all students to live a life that reflects holiness as set forth in Scripture.
When all of the application documents have been received by the Admissions Office, your application will be reviewed and you will be notified in writing of the admission decision.
Classes offered at ACTS may transfer to other Bible colleges or training schools. Students who have previously completed course work at other institutions may also transfer their credits to ACTS. All transference of credits must be approved by the Academic Dean. Transfer students from other colleges, universities, and/or ministry training centers can submit their previous transcripts to the ACTS office for evaluation. The transcripts must be sent directly to the ACTS office from the appropriate school. Transfer credits will be accepted on the following basis.
ACTS must provide comparable courses in content, length, and quality to the ones being transferred. (This means that courses being transferred to ACTS need to have been graded and to have involved objective homework assignments and/or tests.)
The student must have earned at least a 2.0 grade point average in the course being transferred.
Any student requesting transfer of credits must submit a written request to the office of the Academic Dean.
ACTS may accept advanced high school students who display an outstanding high school record and recommendation from the high school principal. Therefore, a qualified high school student may earn college level credits through ACTS while still attending high school.