The academic calendar for ACTS follows a system providing three eleven-week periods from mid-September until early June. (Summer terms are used only occasionally.) Class sessions are one hour for each credit, and assignments are designed to require approximately one hour of preparation for each hour in class.
CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENT The term “full-time student” is classified as follows:
……Registered for 6 or more credits per term
……Registered for 6 or more credits per term
……Registered for 6 or more credits per term
……Registered for 6 or more credits per term ACTS has the following “grade” classifications:
……….Completed 41 or fewer academic credits and enrolled in the Certificate Program
…………Completed 84 academic credits or less
………….Completed more than 84 but less than 126 academic credits
……………Counting 126 credits as equivalent to a bachelor’s degreeGRADING SYSTEM Since ACTS is a place where the students learn to think for themselves (in the Lord), academic achievement is reflected in a grading system that mirrors what principles, tools, and information have been learned. It is in this spirit that we present this grading system, asking each student to do his/her best for God’s glory. Evaluation of student achievement is determined on the following scale:
GRADE POINT AVERAGE A student’s grade point average is determined by dividing the total grade points earned at ACTS by the total number of graded credits received. AUDITING A student who wishes to attend a class without earning credit may do so. Formal examinations and assignments are not required. Audit credits are not included in the determination of full- or part-time status. Fees still apply. SCHEDULE CHANGES All adjustments in a student’s schedule are made by submitting them to the ACTS Registrar. These adjustments must be finalized by the start of the current term. Courses dropped by the end of the second week will not show up on the student’s transcript and will not affect the GPA. Courses dropped after the official deadline will be recorded as “withdrew passing” (WP) or “withdrew failing” (WF). WP WF PASS/FAIL OPTION Full-time students may elect to “pass/fail” in any one course per year at ACTS. No more than three (3)”pass/fail” courses will be allowed for the duration of study. Completion of the Pass/Fail form must be turned in to the instructor by the end of the first week of the quarter, after which it is irrevocable. Upon receiving “P” or “F,” ones grade point average is affected in the same way as if one received a “C+” or an “F” (which is how the final grade will appear on the student’s transcript). INCOMPLETE The temporary mark of incomplete (“I”) is used in special cases where an extension is granted by the Academic Dean or the instructor. Circumstances such as prolonged illness or events beyond the student’s control will be considered. An incomplete mark must normally be removed within three (3) weeks of the last day of class (two weeks after the final). Work approved for late submission may be penalized at least one grade increment when it is not turned in at the normal time. Any assignments turned in after this three-week deadline will receive an automatic “F.” (Any extension beyond the three-week deadline requires advance written permission of both the instructor and the Academic Dean.) CLASS ATTENDANCE Absences: Two (2) absences are allowed for each ten-week class (one for each five-week NightStar class). More than the allowed absences will adversely affect a student’s final grade. Tardiness: There is a seven (7) minute grace period for each class. Anyone over seven minutes late to class is considered tardy for that particular class day. Every three (3) tardies constitute one (1) absence and will count against your two (2) allowed absences for a given class. PROBATION STATUS Academic Probation
A student will be placed on academic probation for a period of one quarter. During this time, the student will carry a reduced course load and receive tutorial assistance as needed. Failure to meet the 2.0 GPA during this period may result in suspension. Reinstatement will be permitted after the student has earned at least six (6) credit hours with a 2.0 GPA at another educational institution. Exceptions to this rule shall be by written appeal by the student and by staff approval only. Disciplinary Probation
Probation Restoration
SUSPENSION At the request of the Academic Dean, a student may be suspended for the following reasons:
Should a student wish to re-enter ACTS, they will be required to complete the entire application process, including providing references that clearly indicate a significant behavioral change. ACADEMIC APPEAL PROCEDURE In the event that a student cannot come to terms with a instructor regarding an academic matter, the student may appeal the decision to the Academic Dean, who will submit it to the President and the staff of ACTS. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Each student receiving a Degree from ACTS must meet the following standards: